Crandall, L.S. / The management of wild mammals in captivity (1964)
Crandall, L.S. The management of wild mammals in captivity. Chicago : University Press, 1964, 761 pp. [RBINS/B50581]
Un chapitre est consacré au gorille (p. 149-168), il est complété d'une bibliographie.
Le premier gorille vivant à atteindre les États-Unis (Boston, le 2 mai 1897) n'avait pas encore l'âge adulte : il a vécu 5 jours.
Le deuxième : 12 jours (1911).
Le troisième, "Dinah", 11 mois et 7 jours (1915).
Extrait :
"The first really viable gorilla to come to America was "John Daniel," a lowland male whose sojourn here was short indeed. John Daniel was obtained in London in 1918 by Miss Alyse Cunningham and carefully reared in her home there. (...) Sold to an American circus in the spring of 1921, he died soon after his arrival in this country. Following the unfortunate death of John Daniel, a new era for gorillas in American began."
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