Gorilles & grands singes

Bibliotheca Primatologica (1962-1971)

No. 14, 1971   Functional Myology of the Hip and Thigh of Cebid Monkeys and its Implications for the Evolution of Erect Posture
No. 13, 1971   Comparative Ecology of Gorilla gorilla (Savage and Wyman) and Pan troglodytes (Blumenbach) in Rio Muni, West Africa
No. 12, 1970   Baboon Ecology
No. 11, 1969   The Behavioral Repertoire of the Stumptail Macaque
No. 10, 1969   Taxonomy and Evolution of the Monkeys of Celebes
No. 9, 1969   Circadian Rhythms in Nonhuman Primates
No. 8, 1968   Immunobiologische Untersuchungen bei Primaten
No. 7, 1968   Biology of the Howler Monkey (Alouatta caraya)
No. 6, 1968   Social Organization of Hamadryas Baboons(out of print)
No. 5, 1967   Humerus, Ulna und Radius der Simiae
No. 4, 1966   Morphologische Studien am Gesichtsschädel catarrhiner Primaten
No. 3, 1965   Trends in the Evolution of the Hominoid Dentition
No. 2, 1963   The Development of the Primitive Streak, Head-Process and Annular Zone in Tarsius, with Comparative Notes on Loris
No. 1, 1962   Schultz, Adolph Hans dedicated to his 70th birthday

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